Breach Of Contract

Tampa Breach Of Contract Attorney

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Every company, from a Fortune 500 organization to a sole proprietorship, relies on contracts to protect and enforce its rights. When one party to a contract breaches the terms of the agreement, or if one party claims the other side has breached the agreement, litigation is almost certainly the end result. If your company is engaged or will soon be engaged in contract litigation, it is critical to enlist the services of dynamic, skilled legal counsel.


For many years, the Komninos Law Firm, PA, has effectively prosecuted and defended businesses in breach of contract claims. With our main office in Tampa we represent companies throughout Florida.

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Providing Client-Focused, Results-Oriented Representation

Our law firm is prepared to take on both straightforward and complex breach of contract litigation, including disputes between sellers and purchasers of goods, real property disputes, business torts and intra business  disputes.

In any type of contract litigation, business considerations are as important, or more important, than achieving a sound legal result. At Komninos Law Firm, PA, we intuitively understand these considerations. Tampa breach of contract lawyer Spiro Komninos is a business owner himself. He understands that when a company has to spend exorbitant legal fees to achieve “victory” it is not always a sound result. Therefore, our law firm strives to settle the cases that should be resolved out of court, while litigating those cases that must be litigated. Further, we frequently represent business clients on a flat-fee basis. This gives our business clients a level of certainty over their legal expenses in a given matter.

Contact Komninos Law Firm, PA

Call 813-251-3444 or email us to schedule a consultation with our attorney.